List of Abstracts
Name | Title/Abstract of contribution |
Andersson, Nils | Asteroseismology |
PDF [176 KByte] |
I will
review the basics of neutron star pulsation theory. Particular focus will be on the modes that are potentially relevant for gravitational-wave observations. I will discuss the character of these modes and
scenarios in which they may be excited to
relevant amplitudes. The idea of "gravitational-wave asterosesimology", wherein observed modes lead to inferences concerning the stars physics, is the central theme of the lecture. |
r-mode instability |
PDF [146 KByte] |
In this
talk I will summarise the current status of the gravitational-wave driven r-mode instability. Of particular importance are dissipation mechanisms that tend to counteract the instability, and I will discuss the effects of i) the core-crust interface, ii) the presence of exotic particles like hyperons in the stars core, iii) superfluidity and the associated mutual friction. The possible role of the magnetic field will also be described. |
Cutler, Curt | Neutron Stars and Gravitational Waves |
An overview of neutron stars as gravitational-wave sources. |
Introduction to the Post-Newtonian
Approximation I & II |
A pedagogical introduction to the post-Newtonian approximation, emphasizing the basic ideas. |
Dain, Sergio |
Elliptic Problems in Relativistic Astrophysics |
gr-qc/0411081 [various formats available] |
In these lectures I will review some basic
results on elliptic boundary value problems with applications to General Relativity |
Font, J. Antonio |
Numerical relativistic hydrodynamics. |
PowerPoint [6667 KByte] |
These two lectures are devoted to present the
existing formulations of the general relativistic hydrodynamics equations (restricted to perfect fluids) which are most widely employed in numerical investigations in relativistic astrophysics. The lectures are divided into six main sections, with a first half devoted to mathematical issues such as the derivation of the equations and a second half devoted to numerical aspects. The first section deals with a basic introduction to the defining properties of fluids and to the equations of classical (Newtonian) fluid dynamics. Next, from the conservation laws of density current and stress-energy we show how the equations of general relativistic hydrodynamics are obtained. These can be formulated in various ways, which in turn has important implications on the numerical procedure to solve them, depending on the choice of the state-vector of the hyperbolic system they form or on the slicing chosen to foliate the spacetime. The most frequently used formulations of those equations are described to some length, paying particular attention to the issue of nonconservative versus conservative approaches. The second part of the lectures focuses on presenting a broad review of current approaches to numerically solve nonlinear hyperbolic systems of conservation laws. Here, much of the emphasis is on Riemann solvers and high-resolution shock-capturing (Godunov-type) schemes. The lectures end with test demonstrations showing the accuracy of the numerical schemes discussed. A number of applications in relativistic astrophysics in scenarios involving compact objects is presented last. |
Friedman, John |
Instabilities of Rotating Relativistic Stars |
PowerPoint [1714 KByte] |
Dynamical nonaxisymmetric instabilities may
precede the formation of neutron stars. Related instabilities driven by gravitational waves make all perfect-fluid stars formally unstable and may limit the spin of rapidly rotating, nascent neutron stars and of old, accreting neutron stars as well. In particular the instability of the l=m=2 r-mode (a mode with axial parity) is a leading candidate for the rough clustering observed in the spins of low-mass x-ray binaries; and gravitational waves emitted by these stars may be observable by detectors with the expected sensitivity of advanced LIGO. As discussed in this talk and in a related talk by Nils Andersson, to radiate detectable power, the instability would have to overcome a number of obstacles; in particular, recent studies of rapid cooling and high viscosity associated with hyperons in neutron-star cores, of quark cores, and of amplitude saturation by nonlinear coupling, have sharply reduced the likelihood of observing waves from nascent neutron stars. Surprisingly, however, the recent studies may have increased the chance of detecting gravitational waves from old accreting stars. |
neutron stars in general relativity I. Formalism and analytic results |
PowerPoint [8059 KByte] |
The first of two talks is
primarily concerned with the formalism used to construct initial data sets for models of binary neutron stars. The data sets can be used to compute quasistationary sequences and to find the approximate location of an innermost stable circular orbit using a turning-point method. The initial data are commonly found by solving a truncated set of Einstein equations that include the initial value equations and the equation of hydrostatic equilibrium. Several related approaches (using spatial conformal flatness, helical symmetry, or a waveless approximation) are currently in use. Asymptotic identity of the Komar and ADM masses and a related virial theorem can be used to improve the accuracy of the relation between the angular velocity and radius of the initial orbit. |
Meinel, Reinhard |
Rotating fluids and black holes |
gzipped PostScript [523 KByte] |
In this talk I shall give an overview of
equilibrium configurations of homogeneous fluids in general relativity. The classical Maclaurin sequence of rotating spheroids serves as a point of departure for describing the corresponding relativistic picture, which leads continuously up to extreme Kerr black holes. It can be shown that extreme, i.e. maximally rotating, black holes are indeed the only candidates for black hole limits of rotating fluid bodies in equilibrium. References: [1] M. Ansorg, T. Fischer, A. Kleinwächter, R. Meinel, D. Petroff and K. Schöbel, Equilibrium configurations of homogeneous fluids in general relativity, MNRAS, in press [gr-qc/0402102] [2] R. Meinel, Quasistationary collapse to the extreme Kerr black hole, Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 13 (2004) 600 [gr-qc/0405074] |
Müther, Herbert |
Equations of State I & II |
PDF [987 KByte] |
Peitz, Jochen |
Dissipative Relativistic Flow |
I will review the relativistic
Navier-Stokes/Fourier equations, discuss issues related to their numerical solution and comment on recent results for neutron stars. |
Pollney, Denis |
evolutions of Einstein's equations |
PDF [140 KByte] |
This lecture will cover various
issues in obtaining numerical solutions of Einstein's equations. Formulated as an initial boundary value problem, the field equations become a coupled elliptic-hyperbolic system. Special care needs to be taken in the choice of variables, and form of the evolution system, choice of gauge, and boundary conditions. The lecture will provide an introduction to these points and discuss current techniques being applied in simulations of black hole spacetimes. |
PDF [2254 KByte] |
black hole simulations in general relativity |
Massive binary systems (neutron
stars or black holes) in the nearby universe are one of the more likely events to be observed by the first generation of gravitational wave detectors. This talk outlines recent progress in the numerical simulation of black hole spacetimes, in particular focussing on evolutions of binaries in close quasi-circular orbit, and the extraction of physical information from horizon dynamics and far-zone wave indicators. |
Pons, Jose |
The role of neutrinos in the formation and evolution of neutron stars and strange stars. |
PowerPoint [8555 KByte] [94 KByte] |
This talk is a general overview
of the astrophysical situations involving neutron stars (or strange stars) in which neutrinos play a relevant role in the dynamics or thermal evolution. |
gzipped PostScript [93 KByte] |
Neutrino transport: from diffusion to Boltzmann solvers. |
I review
the basis and fundamental equations of neutrino transport, describing all the different levels of approximation that are normally used to simplify the problem and build numerical codes. It is discussed under which circumstances some simplifications fail to give a satisfactory result and some attention is paid at the way the microphysics (neutrino opacities) is implemented. |
Rezzolla, Luciano | Magnetic fields in
neutron stars: I, II |
gzipped PostScript [900 KByte] [937 KByte] |
These lectures are aimed at
introducing the properties of magnetized neutron stars (NSs) and the
impact that magnetic fields have on the structure, stability, and
electromagnetic observability of neutron stars. I will start by
discussing the observational evidence of magnetic fields in neutron
stars and the basic principles behind the pulsed emission in radio
pulsars. I will then pass on to introducing the magnetohydrodynamics
(MHD) equations and the form they assume in the case of interest of
neutron stars and when they are at the origin of a dynamo action in
proto-neutron stars (PNSs). After providing a possible explanation for
the origin of intense magnetic fields in neutron stars, I will discuss
the impact these have on the structure and shape of stars in
magnetohydrostatic equilibrium, as well the stability criteria for
magnetic fields of different intensity and topology. Finally, I will
briefly discuss the electrodynamics of neutron stars in general
relativity, the corrections introduced with respect to the picture in
Newtonian physics and the decay of magnetic fields in a neutron star
that is undergoing thermal and rotational evolution. A brief summary of
the main topics covered is listed below. - Observational evidence of intense magnetic fields * The inclined rotator model in pulsars - Introduction to the MHD equations * The ideal MHD limit * The Alfven theorem * Dissipative effects - Generation of magnetic fields in PNSs and NSs * dynamo action in turbulent PNSs * magnetic fields produced by stellar instabilities - Structure and stability of magnetized neutron stars * relativistic models of highly magnetized NSs * stability of magnetic fields in NSs - General relativistic electrodynamics of NSs * the vacuum electromagnetic fields of a rotating relativistic NS * electromagnetic radiation from a rotating relativistic NS * magnetic field evolution in rotating and cooling NSs |
Schäfer, Gerhard |
Post-Newtonian results in the analytical
treatment of compact binaries |
scanned slides |
The talk gives an overview of what has been
achieved in the post-Newtonian treatment of the analytical dynamics of compact binaries. The topics discussed are: canonical approach by Arnowitt, Deser, and Misner; use of Dirac delta functions in general relativity; initial data; binary Hamiltonian to 3PN conservative order; approximate innermost stable circular orbit; explicit solution for the motion of the 3PN conservative dynamics; dissipative dynamics to 3.5PN order; spatial conformal flatness; skeleton model and identity of Komar and ADM masses; comparison with the puncture method of numerical relativity. |
Stergioulas, Nikolaos | Equilibrium
models of relativistic stars |
PDF [48 KByte] |
The equations of structure for compact
objects in equilibrium are reviewed. Apart from perfect fluid rotating stars, models with magnetic field and non-zero temperature will also be covered. A summary of the main properties of such models will be given. |
dynamics of relativistic stars |
PDF [161 KByte] |
A review of various
astrophysical situations in which nonlinear dynamics in relativistic stars becomes important will be given. Such cases include the nonlinear development of dynamical and secular instabilities and the collapse of unstable relativistic stars. |
Uryu, Koji |
neutron stars in GR II: Numerical method |
PDF [805 KByte] |
The second part begins with a brief review of
earlier computations of binary neutron stars, including both semi-analytic methods and numerical methods. A particular numerical implementation is then introduced, involving a concrete form of the field equations and the hydrostatic equations, together with the boundary conditions and a choice of parameter sets that are found empirically to yield a convergent iteration. The numerical solution of each elliptic equation by means of a Green's function in spherical coordinates is explained as an example for design of a numerical code. Recent work on binary inspiral involves initial data sets obtained in a waveless approximation, and the latest of these results are presented. Also, as important applications, a determination of the ISCO from the equilibrium sequence, a construction of gravitational waveform, and results of binary neutron star merger simulations are discussed. |